Anne Clark
1 min readJan 3, 2021

The second day of the year. 363 more days until we can say “wow, what a year!” We always hear things like why not make this the best year possible and accomplish every single goal you have. Which being that we just had a terrible year it is hard to find the energy. Or at least it is for me. When i really think about it, I could start a goal at any time of the year, why does it have to happen in the beginning. Well, I don’t have an answer for this. I don’t know if I ever will. I will start goals though. why not? Small goals and I can’t promise that the whole list will be completed or even started. I wanted to document my goals and how I achieve them. Even if they are extremely strange like learning to cut a pomegranate correctly or something bigger like saving $1,500 by the end of 2021. So if anyone out there is reading and wants to see how I do this follow along, maybe, I can inspire you. Not likely but possible. And if no one is reading at all then this will be interesting to look back on. so, no hard feelings :)

